Wednesday, September 3, 2014

3 Naked Ghosts In A Tight Spot

So I went on a longer ramble this evening. The weather was fine. After a world of rain last night and this morning.

There wasn't exactly a chill in the air by any means. But... It was obvious that the oppressive heat that has been hanging around lately was at the very least taking a little time off.

I went all the way up to the eastern end of the island and hung out for a good while enjoying the breeze, the sea, the waves, the gulls, and more.

I got a number of interesting shots. Some I may end up using here in the future. I will have to examine the images more closely.

I waited too late to head home and was into a booking walk when I noticed I was approaching a stump that had been removed from the ground.

I heard strange noises coming from its general vicinity and went to make a closer inspection.

Check out what I found in a saw cut:

3 Naked Ghosts In A Tight Spot.

I am not sure what they thought they were doing up in there but despite the restricted confines, they seemed to be having a ball.


Check back later for your free audio recording of this post.

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