Tuesday, August 19, 2014

142 Naked Ghosts Finally Get To The Point

Despite their sort of ethereal, insubstantial, and incorporeal nature, naked ghosts can be somewhat dense at times. I know this simple fact may be somewhat hard for you to believe but it is the way things are none the less. I must tell you that today was one of those times.

I had been following these 142 Naked Ghosts wondering where they were headed. At the same time, I was listening to one of their number talking on and on about something I could not quite figure out. It was almost as if she was acting as some sort of ghostly tour guide but I could not really make sense of anything no matter how close I paid attention to shat was being said.

First they were headed in one direction, then another, then before I knew it they had doubled back on themselves and I had to duck into a bush to avoid being seen. This went on for hours, all over the eastern end of the island until finally, sometime this evening:

142 Naked Ghosts Finally Get To The Point

Honestly, for a while there it felt like I was listening to a shaggy dog story but they did finally get to the point so everything worked out ok in the end. I left them there at the point and headed west towards home.

Before too long, I heard them ahead of me once again. Proceeding with a certain amount of caution, I saw that they had now finally reached:

142 Naked Ghosts Finally Reach...

Get it?

If two more show up, things will get really gross right Bo-Peep?

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