Tuesday, August 26, 2014

3 Naked Ghosts Stalking a Living Rat

I know, I know. If you have been reading these Naked Ghost capers you may very well think we are having a bona fide outbreak of Naked Ghosts here in the islands. I don't rightly know, you may indeed be right.

What I know we have way too many of though are living rats.

As I go about minding my business on my walks I am seeing rats all over the place. It really is quite nasty.

I cannot remember it being this way in my childhood days. Perhaps it was and I was just not paying attention to the same things. Anyone care to comment?

So the other day I was out rambling and had already seen living rats running about the place in more than one location. I banked a corner and heard some movement in the bushes. When I first looked, I saw a small family of rats having a ball on a mound of dirt and refuse. Soon though, most scattered leaving one alone and that is when I noticed these 3 Naked Ghosts Stalking a Living Rat

Yup, they were after him alright. I am not sure what for.

Can you spot the rat?

What about the 3 naked ghosts?

1 comment:

  1. I will send a Free BIAS diploma to the first person to spot the rat. (In a way that I consider proves you see it.) For instance, draw a circle around the rat and post the picture to a publoc place and link to it in a comment here.)

    For an example of what the BIAS diploma will look like, check this link:

