Thursday, August 7, 2014

42 Naked Ghosts Raid a Guinep Tree

So I am out in my yard this morning with my camera, walking around in my bare feet in the cool damp grass. Having a good time. Taking a few more pictures of fruit in the trees (or just from the threes) for a friend up in Canada.

Fruit in the Trees

Yes, I know the scarlet plums are still green and not yet scarlet but I was out and about and took the pic ok...

So, I am out in the back yard enjoying myself and my bare feet while taking a few photos when I hear strange noises coming from the front of the house.  Strange laughter, rustling leaves, complex rhythms, futuristic digital sounds, ancient moans, it is hard to describe.

So I head towards the front of the house and look up in my guinep tree and you will not believe what happened next!

There they are! 42, count em, 42 Naked Ghosts Raiding a Guinep Tree!

Now I know that we have been led for years to believe that 42 is *the* answer, but let me assure you, this morning, 42 was the *problem*... Ya feel me?

They were carrying on bad! I am surprised my neighbours did not come give me grief but then again, I have nice neighbours. You should be so blessed. With neighbours that is. I don't wish 42 Naked Ghosts on anyone.

Does anyone know if there is a government department that a person can report Naked Ghost problems to? Can you give me a phone number or and email address of someone to contact?

I tried looking up Ghost Busters in the white pages but there was not a single entry for Ghost in the book. And only two entries with a G followed by an H period. I did not think I should bother them. I know how annoying it can be to get wrong number calls. I am frequently getting calls for Bay Street Garage (located on Dowdeswell Street) and others as well. The Tynes family and sometimes in the past Sandilands.

Click here to get your free audio recording of 42 Naked Ghosts Raid a Guinep Tree.

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