Tuesday, August 5, 2014

7 Naked Ghosts Cavorting at the Beach

So I was out walking yesterday. Minding my own business and having a fine time in the baking Bahamian sunshine. It was hot. I was not really minding it much though. I can't tell you why.
When I say it was hot, it was hot. Not so hot as to melt the road but I did wonder at one point if my shoes could take it as I felt the heat reaching my poor feet. They are old shoes but still I wondered.

So there I was heading east on the Eastern Road. In the heat. Did I mention it was hot? Walking on the right side of the road. (We drive on the left down here in these islands, at least when we are obeying the traffic laws. Strangely enough, despite all of the traffic laws that we regularly break, this is one we generally obey. Sort of, most of the time, if you don't count crossing solid lines too carefully.)

Up ahead (sort if in the distance, sort of near) I heard laughter and other cavorting sounds. Imagine my surprise when I passed a wall and looked towards the shimmering sea and the sounds of cavorting and saw 7 Naked Ghosts Cavorting at the Beach!

Now, I was just talking with a friend recently about how the Bahamians I know are not the kind to be too impressed with celebrities or to rush to bother them and make a general nuisance of themselves but this was different. Sure, I could have stood in a line and met Johnny Depp at a BIFF party a few years ago but I sat around talking with regular folks instead. I stand in enough lines as it is.

This was different though. I opened the rusted gate, left the road, walked down the path to the shore and managed to snap this photo of 7 Naked Ghosts Cavorting at the Beach which I am sure you will enjoy immensely. Be careful not to stare too long or you may damage you eyes.

Click to download your free audio version of 7 Naked Ghosts Cavorting at the Beach

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