Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Horde of Marauding Naked Hosts Strip Mine a Guinep Tree

I know today's post may be hard for you to believe. I know it is asking a lot of you to seek your suspension of disbelief in a case like this but I ask anyway. I ask that you consider the evidence that I will place before your eyes.

If you can't trust your own eyes, whose eyes can you trust?

As you may know, back on August 7th., I posted and article and photo of 42 Naked Ghosts Raiding a Guinep Tree!

Well, I guess raiding the guineps was not enough for those naked ghosts. I guess those 42 were just the advance guard as it were. Scouting out the land in order to come back with a horde and wreak destruction of biblical proportions on the same poor guinep tree.

So when I went out side for a short ramble this afternoon I looked up wanting to find a guinep or two to enjoy only to see A Horde of Marauding Naked Hosts Strip Mine the Guinep Tree. Simply shocking I tell you!

If you are easily shocked, you probably do not want to look too closely at that picture right there. The same caution applies to letting your young children see the picture.

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